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Over the years my poetics has focused on the existentialist representation of the human being and I am carrying out a study related to visual perception. The human being is for me the central point for an observation and analysis of the society that surrounds him.

In my works I examine naturally singular individuals (for their behavior, for their particular fisical traits) and I "rediscover" them through the use of memory. This passage through memory is fundamental for understanding how a form can be altered, materially and psychologically, on the basis of suggestions that it itself gives to the observer.

I also strongly believe in the redevelopment of recycled material: the object thrown away and/or in disuse symbolizes the "end" of the typical use of a serial-industrial product. Over time, each object has acquired a story, absorbed energy and created "bridges" with its users. The artistic use of this object allows it to become a means, a cognitive link between the work and the viewer, exploiting the patina that time has left it to connect the energies between past and present.

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